Spring Time Is The Perfect Time To Make Sure Your Air Conditioner Is Ready For Summer

Air conditioning repair professionals

Now that spring has sprung, it is time to start thinking about your home’s air conditioner. Here are some tips and tasks you can do yourself as well as the benefits of a professional A/C maintenance check-up.

A/C Maintenance tip#1: change filter for HVAC system

Filter – When was the last time it was changed? The single most important thing you can do to prepare for the hot Sacramento summer will always be replacing the filter. This protects the equipment from premature failure as well as ensuring best performance and efficiency. It also helps keep your family healthy by removing the pollens and other allergens that seem to be most prevalent this time of year. Depending on the type of filtration system you have, most filters should be replaced every 2-3 months. Set a reminder on your phone!

debris and weeds around outdoor A/C unit in Sacramento

Outdoor A/C Unit – Are there any obstructions around the air conditioning unit that sits on the ground? Make sure there are no bushes blocking airflow or vines that are getting too close and could grow up into the A/C unit. This can cause major damage to the outdoor coil. 

Thermostat – If your thermostat requires batteries, when were they last replaced? We recommend you replace them once a year. The metal terminals can become corroded, so gently wipe with a paper towel or cloth before installing fresh batteries. Have a WiFi Smart Thermostat? There are no batteries to replace.

changing the temperature on a smart thermostat

Turn It On – The best advice I give my own friends and family is to turn your a/c on before you need it. Once it reaches about 80° outside, set your thermostat to about 3° lower than the current indoor temperature and make sure it turns on and cool air is coming out the vents. The last thing you want to do is wait until a really hot day and find out it isn’t working!

A/C maintenance and cleaning outdoor A/C unit in Sacramento

A/C Maintenance – When was the last time you had your air conditioning tuned-up? Most manufacturers recommend annual maintenance on their equipment, especially to keep your warranty valid.  Preventing inopportune breakdowns and extending the lifespan of your system are some of the benefits of an a/c tune-up. While there are a lot of tasks you can do yourself, others may be best left to the professionals.  When we come out for an A/C maintenance visit we are making sure the condensate is free of clogs; outdoor coils are clear of pollen, dirt, and dog fur; capacitors and other components are functioning; and the overall system is operating at peak performance. 

Want some more DIY tips? Download our free A/C Troubleshooting & Tips to help you in the peak of summer! Need to schedule a tune-up? Call us at 916-481-0658.