Work Smarter, Not Harder!

zone HVAC with remote

Picture it… 2020 and the pandemic has us all scrambling for a “new normal”. Work from home! School from home! Eat at home! TikTok dancing from home!

While it is now 2023 and a lot of our lives have gone back to “normal”, one thing has seemed to stick around for quite a few families. Working from home or hybrid work schedules are still part of a lot of our lives permanently. Why not be as comfortable as possible while you’re at it?

In a pre-pandemic life you would have rushed to your workplace for 8+ hours, while having the luxury of someone else paying the electric bill on hot summer days when the a/c was cranking in the office.  Or the gas bill on bitter cold foggy Sacramento days.

While working from home can have its benefits, one big drawback is the need to run the whole home’s central heat and air system just to keep comfortable in your home office.  Out of your own pocket.

Enter: ductless mini-split heat pumps.

ductless mini split

What is a ductless mini-split heat pump you ask? If you have ever traveled outside of the US you may have seen these heating and cooling units hanging on the wall in apartments, stores, bars, and hotels throughout the globe. We have actually been using them here in the US as well although not as widespread as the rest of the world.

Fujitsu non-ducted - mini split - hvac

A single-zone ductless mini-split unit is perfect for a converted garage or home office in these new work-from-home times.  You can be on your Zoom calls without a loud fan or noisy wall air conditioner grinding away in the background.  They are also more efficient than most central whole-house heating and cooling systems. Targeting comfort which is costing you less to operate plus less energy waste. Talk about a winning equation.

Ductless mini-split heat pumps provide both heating and cooling as well as a fan mode for general air circulation. They are simple to operate by remote control. With an indoor blower component that hangs high on the wall and a compressor located outside, this is how a ductless mini-split provides super quiet operation.

Do you want more information on how to make your work from home space more comfortable? Feel free to reach out to us!