Signs Your Old Furnace May Need to be Retired

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Furnaces work hard during the cold months to keep your home warm and comfortable.  Over time they wear out from use, losing efficiency and eventually fail altogether.  Since being surprised by a broken furnace is the last thing anyone wants, here are some signs that your furnace may need to be replaced.

The Age of the Furnace

One of the first things to consider is the overall age of your furnace.  Heaters become less efficient over time, so if your furnace is passed its 15th birthday, realistically it wouldn’t hurt to start to prepare financially for a replacement.  Technology continues to improve heating and cooling, so upgrading to a new HVAC system can save you on your monthly utility bills.

Frequent Furnace Repairs

The cost of having to repair an old heating unit continually can really add up over time, while a new furnace involves a one-time cost, sometimes the peace of mind is worth it.  If frequent furnace repairs have you questioning your heating system’s lifespan, it may be a good time to talk to us about an upgrade.

The Furnace is Noisy

Some sounds emanating from your heater mean nothing, but continued strange noises coming from your furnace can mean a number of things – not many of them good. Pay particular attention if you here screeching, squealing, or rattling noises.  If you begin to find yourself extra aware of your heater due to the unusual symphony of racket it’s producing, have the system serviced immediately.  In some cases, a simple furnace repair can solve the problem. However, if neglected, the problem behind these sounds can grow in damage and lead to more expensive repairs.

Higher Heating Bills

You may notice signs that an old furnace is no longer operating efficiently when you receive your monthly energy bill.  If your bill has been steadily rising with no change in the thermostat setting, energy rates, or overall weather patterns; the likely culprit is an old heater struggling to keep up with demand.  As parts in your furnace wear out over time and use, you’ll notice your costs continuously rising.  If there’s a more immediate problem, the bill will spike suddenly.  Be sure to watch your heating costs to gauge the health of your furnace.

Spotty Coverage or Uneven Heating

If it takes a long time for rooms to warm up or you notice uneven heat from space to space, it may be time to call us as your trusted Sacramento HVAC contractor for a new furnace.  As your furnace ages efficiency decreases, it may become more difficult for the system to distribute heat evenly throughout the house.  So you may notice colder rooms or feel like you’re always checking or adjusting the thermostat because you’re not comfortable.  When a heating and cooling system doesn’t perform as expected, it usually indicates a problem.  To know for sure, consider having a professional evaluate your system.  If nothing else, it’ll give you peace of mind knowing how to move forward.

North American Technical ExcellenceDo you suspect problems with your furnace? Is it time for a routine check-up? Call to schedule an appointment with us today, our trained team of HVAC have everything you need to make fast, lasting repairs. And when it’s time retire your old furnace and upgrade to a new energy-efficient heating and cooling system call Perfection Home Systems. We have helped thousands of homeowners in the greater Sacramento area choose the ideal heating and cooling system for their household needs and budget. We have many heat pumps and HVAC system options to choose from. Perfection Home Systems,Inc. is Sacramento area’s trusted source for heating and cooling installation. Call us today at (916)481-0658 to make an appointment to get your free HVAC installation estimate.