6 Benefits To A Furnace Tune-Up

furnace repair tech

Why do you need a heating system tune-up? Let us count the ways…

  1. Prevent future system failures – With a professional service technician getting their eyes on your heater they can often catch a small problem before it becomes a big problem.
temperature home heating and cooling

2. Safety of your family – Cracked heat exchangers and poor burn quality can be found and addressed before carbon monoxide becomes present.

3. Saving you money – When a preventative maintenance is performed the technician can fine tune the blower speed and gas valve on modern heating systems to make sure they are running as efficiently as possible and within manufacturer specifications. And don’t forget, with our maintenance agreement, you receive 15% off of repairs!

furnace filter change

4. Breath easier – The health of your home’s air is as important as your own. Making sure the filter is clean and properly sized for your system will keep you breathing easy.

5. Extended lifespan – A clean and well maintained HVAC system is statistically going to last longer than a system that has not.

6. Manufacturer requirement – All manufacturers recommend, and some require annual maintenance to keep a warranty valid. The last thing you want to do is invest in a new system and not have that warranty honored because you didn’t read the fine print.

HVAC warranties

If you are ready to make an appointment for a furnace inspection, feel free to reach out to us here or by phone at 916-481-0658