Whether you have an old style of whole house fan, or are just looking into buying one, we can help you!
- Save Money
- Quieter than traditional fans
- Convert traditional fans
When whole house fans are turned on, the fans will pull the cooler outdoor air into your home, through your windows, across your living space, into the attic, and out the attic vents, replacing the hot, stale air. This helps cool the home and attic by up to 30 degrees Fahrenheit or more.
At Perfection Home Systems we are happy to install QuietCool brand systems.

QuietCool is an Advanced Whole House Fan That Can Save You up to 50-90% Off Your A/C Related Costs
This is a ventilation system that is whisper quiet compared to the old traditional whole house fan. QuietCool allows a homeowner to turn off their most expensive appliance and improve the comfortability of their home.
QuietCool Benefits Include:
- QuietCool Lowers A/C Run Time by up to 90%
- Safely Remove Pet Dander and Odors
- Remove Cooling Odors and Heat
- Remove Bathroom Odors, Steam, and Humidity
- Expels Odors, Germs, Smoke, and VOC Gases
- Say Goodbye to Hot, Sleepless Nights
- Helps Prevent Mold and Mildew
- Remove Unsightly Box Fans and Air Blower
QuietCool saves customers up to 50-90% off A/C related electricity costs. A whole house fan and an attic fan together can help consumers save money, enjoy better health, and cool their home for just pennies an hour. To learn more about having a QuietCool whole house fan installed in your home contact Perfection Home Systems today!