How To Clean Your Outdoor Coil Yourself

Cleaning coils and A/C unit

In this video, Eric is using a car soap, not a chemical cleaner to clean the coil. You don’t have to use any soap. Just using a garden nozzle with a good amount of pressure but not TOO much pressure and definitely not a pressure washer. Too much pressure will cause the soft metal of the coil to bend.

Gently sweeping across inside the unit starting at the top and working your way down; you can see it can be a bit awkward with the fan in the way, but it isn’t difficult. After cleaning from the inside he does show you that you can gently wash the outside at a downward angle and less pressure, again from the top to bottom.

If you do use soap, you will want to duplicate this entire process with just water to rinse the soap and dirt off of the coil.

How to clean your outdoor coil

*Of course if you don’t feel comfortable doing this yourself, we’ve got you covered! Just call or email us and we would be happy to schedule a preventative maintenance for you.