Fall Pre-Season Checklist For Saving Energy

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Here are some quick and easy ways you can get ready for the upcoming winter season.

  • Check for drafts
    • Fireplace flues should be inspected for safety and for air leakage
    • Weather stripping around doors and windows should be tight
  • Blocked vents
    • If you have any floor or low-wall vents for your heating and air system, make sure they aren’t being blocked by furniture
  • Furnace
    • Make sure your furnace has been safety checked and also for maximum efficiency before the heating season
  • Cooking and baking
    • If you use the oven, once the oven is turned OFF, keep the door cracked open to let the heat out and help warm the kitchen
  • Ceiling fans
    • Reverse the direction of your ceiling fans for winter to clockwise
  • Sunlight as a heating and lighting source
    • Open shades in the daytime to allow the sun to naturally warm the space and use less artificial lighting
    • Close shades at night to hold the heat in

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