Why is the number 42 so special?

Some say it is the answer to the universe.

Others recall Jackie Robinson wore it on his jersey.

But it is also the number of years since Bob Kennedy became a business owner.

For us, it is that last one that makes this number so special.

Bob started out as a heating and air service technician in Southern California in the early 1970s. Transferring up to Northern California in the late 70s to establish a home for his family in the suburbs.

Bob HVAC expert

And by October 1, 1981 with his wife Rita, a professional bookkeeper, they embarked on the journey of business ownership. Starting from humble beginnings in the garage of their home in Roseville; over the past four decades they had expanded into a booming new construction industry in the late 80s, then slowly condensed back down to specializing in the residential change-out retrofit market.

While growing up in the industry, their daughter Jennifer had no intentions initially of taking over the business. After receiving her Bachelor’s degree at Sacramento State, she ended up back in the family business in 2001 after realizing her love for sales and building relationships with people.

Family HVAC business

In 2010, Bob decided to semi-retire and Jennifer took over the day-to-day operations of the business.

Now in 2023 both Bob and Rita are enjoying retirement spending time pursuing their hobbies. For Bob that is classic cars; and for Rita, quilting.

Jennifer still runs the business and still has an amazingly strong team. Steve and Eric have both been with Perfection Home Systems for over 35 years now. John will be celebrating 25 years in the next few months. Danny and Chris have both been here for over 10 years. The office staff consists of Sara at 5 years, and Maya at 4 years.

We are so grateful for loyal staff who will go above and beyond for our customers. We also hope this is a reflection of a business who treats their employees well.

If you would like to learn more about us, please check out our About Us page here.

And remember, we are always here for you when you need us whether it be for a repair or replacement of your heating and air conditioning system. Cheers to the next 42 years!

Home heating and cooling business - Sacramento PHS