Perfection Home Systems News

News about Perfection Home Systems

why install an attic fan in Sacramento

Attic Fans – Do I Need One?

First let’s go over some terminology. Whole House Fan vs Attic Fan. A lot of times these terms are used interchangeably by accident. A whole house fan draws air from outside the home, to inside the home through open windows and doors, then exhausts out through the attic vents. An...

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heating and cooling rebates available

Save Energy, Save Money

Did you know that depending on where you live there are rebates and tax incentives available when you upgrade to an Energy Star heating and cooling system? If you are a SMUD electric customer, there is an incentive of up to $3500 to convert a gas heating system to an...

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furnace repair in sacramento - tech

How To Choose A Contractor (HVAC or NOT!)

Finding a contractor is hard. Finding a good contractor is even harder.  We understand that.  Here are a few tips to help you with ANY home improvement projects from heating and air conditioning, kitchen remodels, and more.

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zone HVAC with remote

Work Smarter, Not Harder!

Picture it… 2020 and the pandemic has us all scrambling for a “new normal”. Work from home! School from home! Eat at home! TikTok dancing from home! While it is now 2023 and a lot of our lives have gone back to “normal”, one thing has seemed to stick around...

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keeping dog cool in summer - dog

The Warm Weather Is Finally Here

Are you ready? Here are some quick tips for making the best of summer in Sacramento with your central air conditioning system. Want to print these tips and more to refer to while troubleshooting? Download our handy A/C Troubleshooting Tips Sheet (pdf).

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