Quick Tips To Start Saving Money Today
Things you can do right now to help cut down on your gas bill: Got any other helpful tips? We’d love to see them, drop them below!
Continue ReadingThings you can do right now to help cut down on your gas bill: Got any other helpful tips? We’d love to see them, drop them below!
Continue ReadingWe are much more than a heating and air conditioning company. I get asked quite frequently if we do windows, or insulation, or plumbing. While we do not do any of these specific home improvement specialties; we do focus all of our efforts on total indoor comfort from a ventilation...
Continue ReadingSome say it is the answer to the universe. Others recall Jackie Robinson wore it on his jersey. But it is also the number of years since Bob Kennedy became a business owner. For us, it is that last one that makes this number so special. Bob started out as...
Continue ReadingFirst let’s go over some terminology. Whole House Fan vs Attic Fan. A lot of times these terms are used interchangeably by accident. A whole house fan draws air from outside the home, to inside the home through open windows and doors, then exhausts out through the attic vents. An...
Continue ReadingDid you know that depending on where you live there are rebates and tax incentives available when you upgrade to an Energy Star heating and cooling system? If you are a SMUD electric customer, there is an incentive of up to $3500 to convert a gas heating system to an...
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