Energy Saving Tips

Read Our Latest Energy Saving Tips

to help reduce costs on running your heating and air conditioning
units in the Sacramento region.

how does a whole house fan work

Whole House Fans – Why You Might Consider One

Whole house fans can make a great addition to your cooling and indoor air quality needs.  Pulling fresh air in on cooler nights, especially for those of us lucky to live in the Sacramento area when the delta breeze kicks in. It's so refreshing especially after a day cooped up with conditioned air.

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new furnace installation Sacramento

Let’s talk filters!

We regularly get questions about filter replacement.  Sometimes it is from a new homeowner who is unfamiliar with the heating and air system at their new home.  Occasionally, we’ve run across those who weren’t even aware there was a filter or that it needed to be replaced ((no judgment!)) Since we are rolling into allergy season here in Sacramento, it seemed like a great time to take a look at where your filter might be located on a forced air system.

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3 Tips To Save Money Right Now

Have the recent PG&E rate hikes got you seeing red?? Here are a couple things you can do right now to help save money on your gas bill: – For every 1 degree you lower your thermostat, you can save about 2%. Five degrees means a 10% savings. – Especially...

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It’s Gonna Be Hot

Quick tips and troubleshooting for yet another scorcher in Sacramento: On Extreme Heat Days: Don’t leave a/c completely off!-Set temp to 80 degrees when you leave in the morning so it can reach the temperature you want when you get home. -Don’t set temperature really low, the a/c won’t cool...

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