Another Bright Idea

UV light for furnace - Honeywell

Once air filtration has been upgraded in a home, often customers inquire about an added layer of in home air quality often referred to as a UV light system.  When properly installed a UV light can help reduce yucky things like mold, fungus, and bacteria that may build up in a dark moist location like a central air conditioning coil. Where a filter picks up dust and pollen; the UV light kills the things that can grow. The two can work very well together.

With a UV light installed inside a HVAC coil it is killing these mold spores, algae, and bacteria in their most optimal growing environment. You might think, “well this doesn’t affect me, my air handler is up in the attic!” And you’d be correct, except when any of those spores are airborne, they will travel down the air stream and into the home. And no one wants that.

Another added benefit to the UV bulb is that is continually on, unlike a filter which only filters the air when the fan is running. The reason for this is that even if the system isn’t running a coil is still a dark location with a lot of residual moisture. Prime breeding ground for all of the gross microbes. We want to kill them 24/7 and with a UV light system it will be doing just that.

Newer homes are being built as efficient as possible with as little air leakage or as “tight” as possible.  One possible downside to this is very little of the air inside the home escaping.  With the Honeywell UV system it provides odor reduction in addition to removing growing microorganisms and VOCs.  We find this added feature a great benefit to our customers.  The replacement bulbs also tend to be less expensive than other central HVAC UV light systems on the market.

If you have any questions about the UV technology or how it pairs with your air filtering system, please don’t hesitate to give us a call or contact Perfection Home Systems.

Honeywell Ultraviolet Air PurifierHVAC air filter systemAir filter Sacramento HVACSacramento HVAC Air Filter - Honeywell climate control