American Standard Thermostats

Did you know if you upgraded your home’s thermostat to the American Standard 824 wi-fi enabled smart thermostat, even on an older heating and cooling system, we can pull data about how your system is working (or failing) before we even come out to your home?

These very smart thermostats have the capability to send data back to the American Standard’s diagnostics portal where we can view 40 different alerts and error messages for the past 30 days.

American Standard thermostats such as this 824 wifi enabled smart thermostat help us remotely diagnose issues

Benefits to you:

  • Saves you time and potentially money
    • If we are able to see what the issue is before coming out and parts are needed, we can have them ready on the technician’s truck on arrival.
    • If it is something that can be handled over the phone, we can save a trip out!
  • Peace of mind
    • In some cases, we are alerted that there is an issue before you ever realize the system isn’t performing correctly.
  • Catch problems early
    • While we are out on maintenance or repairs, we can look at the history and see if there have been any alerts or errors that may have occurred even though things are working properly on arrival.
  • Contactless repairs
    • If the repair can be done without entering your home, we will be able to verify it is back online and working correctly via the app.

Interested in having your thermostat upgraded? Please give us a call at 916-481-0658 or by email here.

Have an American Standard communicating system (with the 850 or 1050 thermostat)? We can upload even more data to make sure your system is working as efficiently and error free as possible.

Rest assured, if you have an American Standard wi-fi thermostat you can always opt out of sharing the data with the instructions here.