Today is Cut Energy Cost Day and we all like to save money, especially as our heating bills keep getting higher every year. Here are six ways you can help save on your utility bills around your own home.
- Let the sun in
- Open window shades during the day to allow the sun to naturally warm your home and use less artificial lighting.
- Closing the shades/blinds at night will help hold in the heat.
- Saving on Heating Costs
- Setting your thermostat just 1° lower can save about 2% on your bill. Which means dropping it 5° means approximately 10% in savings.
- Having a furnace tuned up for maximum efficiency as well as safety.
- Make sure any low wall or floor vents aren’t blocked by furniture.
- Check for drafts
- Weather stripping around doors and windows should be tight to prevent air leaks.
- Fireplace flues should be inspected for safety and for air leakage, make sure the flue is closed when not in use.
- Water heater tanks
- Turn your water heater down. By lowering the temperature by one notch you will be using less gas to keep the stored water hot.
- Turn your water heater down. By lowering the temperature by one notch you will be using less gas to keep the stored water hot.
- Ceiling fans
- Reverse the direction of your ceiling fans for winter to clockwise. Especially useful if you have vaulted ceilings to pull that heat back down into the room.
- Reverse the direction of your ceiling fans for winter to clockwise. Especially useful if you have vaulted ceilings to pull that heat back down into the room.
- Kitchen tip
- When you are done using the oven (and it is turned off) leave the door open a crack to let the heat warm up the kitchen.