5 A/C Tips For Hot Weather

Here are some simple things you can do to prepare your home for the hot weather.

  • Check your filters!
    • When is the last time you replaced your filter(s)? The best performance comes from a system with clean filters.
  • Don’t leave the system off!
    • Set your thermostat to “COOL” first thing in the morning just a few degrees warmer than you will want it later in the day.
    • It takes an incredible amount of energy (aka money) to try and cool down an already warm house.
    • Example: If you want it to be 78° in the house at the hottest part of the day, don’t let the home get warmer than 82° while you are away.
  • Don’t set the thermostat too low!
    • Turning the system down really low will not make the home cool down any quicker.
    • It can actually do harm to the system.
    • Have the thermostat reach the desired temperature around 4° at a time.
  • Does if feel like it isn’t cooling very well?
    • Once the a/c has been running for 20 miutes or so, take a thermometer and see what the temperature is of the air coming out of one of your supply vents. Then do the same thing where the air return is.
    • If the difference (or “split) is around 20° or more, everything is working properly.
  • Pre-cool the house!
    • Whether it is leaving windows open throughout the night, running a whole house fan, or simply turning the air conditioner on in the morning; by getting the temperature inside the home as cool as possible, it will take longer for it to heat up during the day.
    • Close up all the windows, blinds, and drapes. It may make the home feel like a dungeon, but keeping the sunlight out will help slow the heat gain during the day.

If you would like more tips on keeping cool this summer, or troubleshooting guide should you have a problem with your air conditioner- check out our guide here!

Having issues with your a/c and need a service tech to come out and take a look? Please call us ASAP at 916-481-0658 and leave a message if it is after hours. We return calls in the order they are in the queue. You can always email us as well.